Tracy Xinran Wei · Product Designer



Why Design?

My favorite quote is from The Bucket List by Morgan Freeman. “When their souls got to the entrance to heaven the gods asked them two questions... Have you found the joy in your life? Has your life brought joy to others?” My answers constantly changed. Yet, one of them never changed. I believe that I bring joy to others by providing people fluent interactive experience with evolving technologies, and I find joy being the innovator behind.


My Design Journey

  • I joined VMware Cloud design team followed by summer internship. Here I craft experience for Saas products, including onboarding, subscription purchasing and managing flows. I also worked independently on building several lifecycle management tools to support operators.

  • Fall 2019, I moved to Bay Area to pursue Master Degree at UC Berkeley focused on UX design at UC Berkeley School of Information, where I pursued courseworks in Product Design, Accessibility Design, Lean/Agile Product Management, Data Visualization and Information Technology Economics, Strategy, and Policy to sharpen my understanding of product development cycle and find the balance between business goals and product innovation.

  • I started my first full-time job as a graphic designer at TuSimple, where I worked as sole designer with cross-department partners on design assets for product demo, marketing and recruitment.

    Sitting at the crossroad of cross-department collaboration, I realized the importance of understanding business models & strategies to designing successful products, which led me to pursue graduate degree to add the missing dots.

  • Spring 2018, I graduated from UC San Diego with a B.S. in Cognitive Science, specialized in Human Computer Interaction. Coming from a social science background empowered me with a unique perspective of design. I highly valued users’ emotional experience during user research and translated these abstract feelings to concrete prototypes.


Passion projects